
Q: If someone has just recently received the COVID vaccine or has had positive COVID symptoms /(+) COVID test, are there any recommendations for waiting a period of time before receiving a Flu vaccine? Any contraindications to receiving both vaccines at or around the same time or receiving the FLU vaccine shortly after being diagnosed with COVID?

A: There have been a lot of questions on this, so many I had my med student do a literature search to see if we could find anything definitive that is evidence-based. Summary is that you can give both at same time (vaccines) but if someone is acutely ill, avoid giving until afebrile and clinically improved. Also, can give vaccines at same time but avoid giving one at day 0 and the second one between day 1-7. In other words, either give at same time or wait a week between vaccines. Im going to post this on the blog since we have had this question come up a few times!