
The 21-day sugar detox is a book written by Diane Sandra Filippo. Author is essentially a logging and social media holistic nutrition expert. She is authored 3 other books that lean towards Paleo type diet. Overall I tend to lean away from short-term diet books and especially the limited day type diet books that may be good sellers but do not probably change mindset. In this case, there is a substantial amount of the first third of the book that is on mindset change. There is a useful eat and no eat last which I will replicate here.

When it comes to mindset, the author points to several roadblocks. Accounting for these obstacles is recommended prior to starting her diet plan which I agree with. First is to establish your support. This may be family, friend, coworker, or even a paid coach. Establishing a person or persons that you can lean on in your time of change is an important predictor of success. Secondly, author recommends separating other people's opinions from your own. She points to others around you perhaps derailing you with negativity over your dietary changes. She wants against being judgmental to others around you while you are on your journey and to focus on yourself. The third mindset obstacle the author points out is a fear of failure. Staying motivated with the reason why you are on this journey and focusing on 1 day at a time as her recommendation. She recommends starting your mindset change with cleaning out your home and office of the things that will create temptation.

In her predetox plan she educates the reader on the cravings for sugar and the biochemical basis for this. In this stage, she provides a checklist including cleaning out the pantry. At this stage she recommends building out your model food plates so that you can anticipate higher meals and snacks will look when you start on the plan. She educates on the hidden sugars that are found in various different products, overall summary would be processed food. Each day has a specific checklist and for those who do well with a formulated structured plan, this may be useful. She has good recommendations such as ordering your groceries online so that the choices are made away from the grocery store. When shopping, she has a swap list of no foods to yes foods. She recommends against artificial sweeteners which I agree with.

Throughout each day of the daily plan there seems to be a combination of psychological reassurance education as well as a challenge to prepare 1 recipe to expand repertoire of cooking and food preparation. The author does recommend smoothies which is not concurrent with other nutritional literature and the author also recommends 3 meals plus snacks per day which is a debated topic among those that are proponent of intermittent fasting versus the traditional 3 meals a day as a healthy eating pattern. I tend to lean on the former fasting proponent group due to the basic biochemical reasoning that glycogen must be depleted before adipose is utilized. 

There is a post-diet section that is useful in regards to eating out, hidden sugars, shopping list, and recipe section.